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(Curious Comedy Theater, King, Pay-what-you-can minimum $5, suggested $15) Jay Flewelling, Jenn Hunter Tinder, Justin Himes, Jed Arkley, Josie Behrens, Jpeg McCarthy, and SJ Santa Cruz (we'll allow it) will strut their improv skills on stage, and there may be some audience prizes up for grabs, too. J-Names Improv Society Like Add to a List The J-Names jokester crew returns with a funny and fresh performance, this time with a few new faces. Jump to: Friday | Saturday | Sunday | Multi-Day FRIDAY COMEDY We advise directly checking the specific protocols for an event before heading out.

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For more ideas, check out our guide to the top events of the week.Īlthough Oregon’s statewide mask mandate has been lifted, venues may have their own health guidelines in place. This weekend, April bleeds into May, bringing activity-packed events from New Year in the Park to The One Motorcycle Show, plus opportunities to find mom (or any loved one) a thoughtful gift at Crafty Wonderland Spring Art + Craft Market or May Day Market.

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